Friday, March 10, 2006

"Open House"

Last night was Emmy's open house at her school. Ah, what memories that brought back. Seems just like yesterday I was at my school praying that I wouldn't get busted for something I may or may not have done. What's funny about her is at home she's a little hot-head who argues most of the time and doesn't listen a whole lot when we tell her to do something. Yet at school she is nothing short of a model student! It's like Jeckyl and Hyde with her sometimes. I hope she knows we love her more then anything though. I think the kids that are the happiest are the ones that know they are not only loved by their parents but also needed. If I couldn't see my kids every day I'd be miserable. Fortunately that's not the case though. One thing my kids will always know is they have parents who are on their side and that their home will always be a safe haven when the world seems like a tough place.

What's that? Time to unveil the newest addition to my collection? Well, if you say so!:

Saw this at Toys 'R' Us for the low low price of only $8.99! It's pretty neat cuz it's old-school looking plus it comes with: a comic book! I'll probably never see it due to the fact that I don't open anything I buy...ever! Not a lot of fun to be around, I know. I'm already dreading when my son veers out to the garage and somehow climbs up and starts opening up everything...oh, the humanity!!

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