Friday, September 01, 2006


Anyone watch this show? Of course they do. In fact, there is such a devoted fanbase that NBC brings it back year after year despite less then stellar ratings. And let's face it...the only way to judge a show is by the ratings, right? If that were the case, shows like Seinfeld would never have gotten off the ground. And then where would we be? Those water coolers would have a lot less activity I bet.

I mention this show this week because it truly is one of my favorites. These days I don't really have a lot of them. I do enjoy "The Office" and "My Name Is Earl" though...and the new season of "ER" looks promising too. Anyways...I was watching it Wednesday night and Turk and J.D. were decorating the nursery for Turk and Carla's soon to be born kid and she walks in and says "Why is he shooting the crib" Turns out the "he" was none other then Optimus Prime:

It was pretty cool. They had a huge picture of him "protecting" the baby, according to the guys. Made me crack up. Then, that night, I had a dream I was in a huge toy store and on the top of one of the displays was-you guessed it-the same picture as on tv. Didn't put it together until last night when I was at Mr. Jim's shuttling pizzas around my one night of the week. Always mind-blowing when you realize a dream you had can be traced back to something earlier.

Leaving at 12:30 today!! Gonna go to Toys R Us and see if they have anything worthy of my hard-earned money from the Sunday I helped my mom move. Only $22 of that left! Which, if I recall, is just enough for a Transformers Alternator! There's a bunch I wanna get but the stores only carry the same 3 or 4...and those I have. Hopefully the one close to work will have a better selection today.

Ordered a movie off Amazon yesterday. "Kid" starring C. Thomas Howell and a very young Brian Austin Green. If ya haven't seen it go to the link on the left and run a search on it. It is one of my very favorite movies. Really takes me back to when I was 15 or so and had no worries, no cares...and like a fool I thought it would always be that way. But it doesn't. Changes are inevitable...and nothing lasts forever. So cherish every moment like it was your last because in many is.

When I was in Disneyworld I got seperated from the rest of Cari's family so I stood right where I was and waited for someone to find me. Good rule to know eh? As I was waiting I saw hundreds of people whizzing around...and wondered if I had ever met any of them at a previous time in my life. I could have.

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