Zach: "Hey Dad, look how evil I can appear! I think I'm possessed!"
Me: "Really? Possessed? Here, at CiCi's?"
Zach: "Yeah! It must be the parmesean cheese they have here..."
Me: "Um...yeah...that must be it."
Hey, what a cake! Baked by one of the most talented world-renouned chefs to ever walk the know know him as "Kenny" from Kroger's.
I played soccer for, I think a year when I was 6. Our team was The Roadrunners. Sky blue shirts and bright orange shorts. Who came up with that anyways? A blind fashion designer? All I remember is "Coach Blake" screaming at anyone and everyone to "play their position". We were 6, ya know? Probably why I never played again. But now I enjoy kicking the ball around with anyone who wants to. I think I may have played longer if the coach wasn't such a d-bag. But what can you do, right? Can't go back in time the way I would love to. But at least Zach and Emmy have a great coach in their mom. Hopefully they will take these seasons to their adulthood and remember them with fondness.