Friday, July 27, 2012

"Vacation Part TWO!"

Yes, Part Two of our exciting time away from Arlington is here! Since the majority of our vacation was meant for Seaworld, I decided to make that part the finale` if you will. A few pix:

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

Here we are first thing in the morning. And by first thing in the morning, I'm referring to 10:45 in the morning. We had to sleep in a little, plus we got to have breakfast at the "Sporting News" Cafe which had a breakfast buffet which was awesome! Eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon, oatmeal, biscuits and gravy, and, well, I could go on and on. Feels like I already have. Hey, we need to start out full, right?

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

Zach: "Hey Dad, this shark is trying to eat me!"
Me: "What!? That's impossible son. Plush animals have no nervous system."
Zach: "(sigh) I know Dad, I was trying to be funny. Thanks for ruining this moment of comedic gold!"
Me: "Anytime!"

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

Dolphins!! They had this entire pool of them that could not get enough to eat. Fortunately, they sold itty bitty trays of fish for $6 each that you could buy and feed them with. I think we spent about $60 on fish. Wow.

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

A water park right in the middle of Seaworld? Too cool. Good thing Zach and Emmy brought their swimsuits because they did not want to leave.

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

Water skiing! We didn't do any of it, but they had a lot of people doing tricks on jetskis and motorboats that was pretty cool. For instance:

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

The jetskis kept spraying water on everyone. Fortunately, we were smart enough to sit outside of the 'splash zone'. Of course, it would have been nice to get sprayed, since it was incredibly hot outside.

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

Somewhere, a women's libber is complaining that the men are carrying the women.

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

I was really looking forward to seeing the penguins, so imagine my dismay when 1) all of them are behind 6 inches of bulletproof glass and 2) it was so dark that I had to use my flash which caused bright spots on all my pictures and couldn't get any good shots of them. This was the best one.

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

Shamu!! This was actually a pretty cool auditorium they built for the whales. This was definitely the highlight of the day.

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

Until you see this up close, it's hard to believe they can jump out of the water completely. I took about 30 shots trying to get them jumping out, and this was the one that survived. I like how the rainbow formed on her back.

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

I love this shot! The reflection on the water made it really hard to get a clear shot, which is why this one looks a little fuzzy, but the light coming in makes a really cool background. This next one really got her best side...

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

This one is currently our desktop wallpaper at home. Just a great shot.

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

Nemo! A bunch of them actually. I used a non-flash setting to take it, then forgot which one I used for later shots! Oy vey.

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

This is Azul, a beluga whale! The show was really more about the divers and swimmers than the whale himself, but occasionally he popped up.

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

Shamu: "Okay kids, let's make this fast. Ol' Shamu has a date with a hot dolphin in about 15 minutes."
Zach: "But, aren't whales and dolphins mortal enemies?"
Shamu: "Nah, not this dolphin, if you know what I mean..."
Emmy: "No, we actually don't know what you mean. Explain please."
Shamu: "Okay that's it, show's over, everybody scram!"

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

Sea lions! We missed the show the first day due to the intermittent rain and thunder that kept rolling in and out, but we caught it the second day. Apparently there is a mystery of someone keeps stealing all the fish in the warehouse and there was a diner waitress who wanted to be a detective and needed the sea lion's help to find out who it was. Turns out it was a weasel. Big shock eh? They got the sea lions to do some pretty cool tricks:

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

Something else, I know. Amazing what animals will do for free food.

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

Shark-feeding time! I never did see any sharks around, which is probably a good thing. Something tells me sharks feed first and contemplate the decisions they made later.

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

Pettin' time!! I avoided touching them like the plague, but that didn't stop the other three. I took about 10 shots before I got this one. So proud of me.

Seaworld San Antonio July 2012

Considering I took this one with my iPhone, I think it came out really well. The dolphins were constantly bobbing and weaving so it was tough to get decent shots of them.

Wow, we did a lot! We needed a day to relax when we got back. But it was a lot of fun. So glad to be able to take the family to fun places every now and then. Plus, I just counted the number of days until my 16 day Christmas vacation. The tally is...


Next week, I'll feature some pix of Emmy's birthday dinner we had at Olive garden!

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