Friday, October 28, 2005

"He'll Be Comin' Around The Mountain..."

Well, the next time ya'll see me, I will be a dad again! No more talk of "You need to have a boy to keep our proud(?) name going". I have accomplished what our family thought never would happen. You see, of the seven grand/great-grandchildren who could have kept the name going, I was the only male. That's a lot of pressure! I was born in 1974 and between then and 2005 there were SIX girls born! I was like "C'mon already, one of you has to be a boy!" Ah well. The drought is over, thanks to moi! Christmas better be a bit sweeter this year is all I have to say.

After a long time, I am making myself put the next chapter of my screenplay today! So, without much ado, here is Act Three of "My Journey"

(open to telemarketing call center)

(pan to Abe, now 28 years old, looking very frustrated as he talks to a customer)

"...Well sir, I am sorry we...(pause), we do not normally call unlisted numbers at ungodly hours of the day...(pause)'s just that people don't usually go to sleep at 4:30 in the afternoon is all...(pause)...yes sir, we will not contact you again. Have a nice-(click)...jerk"

Office manager:
"Rogers! You make a sale yet!?"

"Um, no, not yet."

"See me in my office please."


(cut to inside of office)

(patronizing tone)
"Do you know what you're supposed to be doing here?"

Abe: (dreary)

"We're supposed to make sales. And if you're not gonna make sales, then we just might have to-"

(cell phone rings)

"Would you like to answer that?"

(Abe answers phone)


(voice) "Is this Abraham Rogers?"

"Um, yes..."

(voice) "This is "Allison" from "Fort Hamilton Hospital". I'm calling to inform you that your mother has been involved in a car accident. I wish the diagnosis was more optimistic, but unfortunately there isn't much we can do for her. If you want to come see her, it has to be now."

(Abe jumps out of his seat and takes off for the hospital)

"Hey! Where do you think you're going!?"

(end scene)

Act Four to come sometime in November!!

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