Friday, November 17, 2006

"Thanksgiving Time!"

Where has this year gone! While recently looking at my Dallas Stars calendar I noticed on of my favorite holidays is coming up in like 6 days. The reason it is my favorite is threefold. One...the lunch. Always the lunch. All my favorites come together like so many E! True Hollywood Stories. Two, talking football with Uncle Tim. He joined our family about 20 years ago and is just a real easygoing person. Plus, we handle his prescription plan! Three, and this is something we haven't done in a while, going to the high school for a game of touch football. I'd enjoy it a lot more if I wasn't so sore and out of breath after about four plays lol. But it's still fun.

Speaking of football, Sunday there is a huge match-up for our beloved Cowboys. Let's meet our warriors:

In this corner, the only undefeated quarterback in the NFL, Peyton Manning!

In this corner, an undrafted rookie quickly becoming a FOB (Friend Of Bill), Tony Romo!

Why is this game big? Well, for one, the Colts are trying to do something only the 1972 Dolphins have ever done...go undefeated for the year. Almost did it last year. Two, the Cowboys win this to keep their playoff hopes alive. Three, I have Peyton Manning on my Yahoo! fantasy team and I need him to have a huge game plus I have the Colts to win on my ESPN Pigskin Pick'em sheet. I'm not very loyal to the 'Boys, I know. Not personal...just business.

Tonight I'm going to get ALL...MY...TOYS out and catalogue them just to see what I have and all the while checking eBay to see if they might be worth something. Might even stay up until...eleven! Been planning this all week. I even might get everything together for a group shot...promised a co-worker I would do that a while back.

Zach is starting to take a few steps here and there. Honestly, I thought he would have been walking before Halloween but so far he prefers crawling. Which is okay, really. I remember how excited I was when Emmy started walking by herself. Next thing I knew, I had to walk bent over to hold her hand since she was so short. My back and hip were killing me ha ha. Plus, she wanted to run everywhere, which means I had to run everywhere. So maybe it's a good thing the boy doesn't want to walk. But man, is he solid. Takes a real effort to hoist him up sometimes. But that's okay. If someone ever tries to bully someone, they'll pass Zach up 'cuz he'll be comparable in size, and hopefully in height. Is fighting okay? No! Fortunately no one ever thinks about fighting with me. They see me and think I'll pummel them into the ground. The truth is I have no idea how to fight or even throw a punch. My "A" move is grabbing onto someone and squeezing their rib cage until they (maybe) pass out. But I could never be like George McFly in "Back To The Future" and drop someone with one punch. But I have my tricks. Hopefully I will never have to get into something like that. And NO, I am not above kneeing someone in the family jewels. =)

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