Friday, February 06, 2009

"Ice Ice Baby..."

...and man was it cold! Here in Texas, our idea of cold weather is 60 and overcast, so when we see actual ice on things outside of our deep freezer, we, or at least I, take pictures!:

Ice Storm 2009
I like this shot because the icicles look like razorsharp teeth ready to shred less-suspecting cars to bits.

Ice Storm 2009
I actually took the lights down after the thaw. Only broke two of them. Turns out you can't just let them drop on the ground.

Ice Storm 2009
Is my registration out? By golly it sure is. Good thing Cari took care of that last night.

Ice Storm 2009
I couldn't use my new camcorder because I had left it in the trunk and when I turned it on it said "Cannot use, warming up..." Well isn't that something.

Called in sick Monday after the Super Bowl. Now I'll just tell you now it was not my intention to do that. I was vacuuming that afternoon and somehow a lot of dust got kicked up and I was breathing it in and didn't even know it. Doctor gave me a Xopenex inhaler so I didn't have to go get a prescription filled. Anyways...called in Monday and found some pictures of Emmy so I scanned em:

Emily 1st Grade 2008

Emily Soccer

Ahh, memories...this was her in first grade. She sure has changed a lot from when she was like 3 or 4. But she's always been a fun kid. Lately she keeps asking me to tell stories of things Zach does, funny things that happen, etc. I try to accomidate her as much as I can, but I'm trying to instill her the comedy rules. Number one: A joke is only funny once. I'll come up with more as time permits.

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