Saturday, March 09, 2013

"Highland Fun!"

Not a whole lot going on this week. Emmy got to do a scavenger hunt with her volleyball team so it was just Zach Cari and I. We had a yummy lunch at Pot Belly's but before that While Cari was looking around in a store, Zach and I decided to snap some shots at the big long creek in the middle:

Arlington Highlands 3-8-2013

Oy. Why do kids close their eyes just as the camera gets the shot?? Okay, let's try this again...

Arlington Highlands 3-8-2013

Aww, what's the use? Zach's gonna be that kid in every picture playing 'eyesies closies', ya know? But I do like these shots. Nothing like a little father son time. I wish I had more shots of Emmy and me, but it seems like she's always off doing something with someone. Ah well.

Arlington Highlands 3-8-2013

Me: "Hey Zach, wanna watch me do a high dive?"
Zach: "Um...I would advise against that Dad."
Me: "Really? How come? Give me one reason."
Zach: "Well, considering the water is about 9 inches deep AND it's kind of chilly outside AND you could break something."
Me: "I said give me one reason..."

Arlington Highlands 3-8-2013

Still not sure what we were trying to accomplish with this one. I don't wanna say he was vogueing...cuz..that's kind of feminine...maybe posing?

Emmy's science project is still plugging along:

The squirrel knocking over Emily's science project

Even though the squirrel tried its best to ruin Emmy's work, we managed to keep the plants in the pots. I'll have the final pictures next week.

In about 16 hours we will be on our way to Shreveport!! Cari's parents are taking the kids to Tyler for 4 days! I wish I could have gotten more time off of work but I got Monday and a half day Wednesday, so...maybe one day my office will learn how to give people time off in a fairer manner. One day I say...

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