Friday, February 24, 2006

More Then Meets The Eye!

When I was a kid in 1984 they introduced this cartoon about cars and trucks and planes that could also turn into robots. Transform into them if you will. Now here we are over 20 years later and not only are they still making them but there's a live action movie due to be released in 2007 which I WILL be first in line for. I might even take Zach with me! Now granted, he'll only be one and a half or two but he may still be up for it. I think I'm going to try and collect all of the new line they've created called "Transformers: Cybertron". I've already started with this one right here:

Isn't he cool? Now if you remember the movie they made back in 1986 Blurr was voiced by John Moschitta who holds the Guiness world record for "fastest talker". And sure enough, Bluur could talk a fast game but he was also quick-moving. The unsung hero I'm afraid.

Zach: "Hey, how's everyone doin' out there?"

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