Friday, February 17, 2006

"Ye Olde Baptism Is A-Comin!"

So far, we've taken two baptism classes and we're planning on it being sometime in April. Seeing as how I have not been baptized it's kind of weird that the kids are going to be. Does that make me a heathen? Nah. I was never one for rituals or symbolism as it relates to religion. My approach has always been repent for the bad things you do and be thankful for the good things you have. I know I should witness more for people who do not have God in their lives but I just can't seem to make myself do it. Maybe if it bothered me more I would...

Going over to grandma's house tonight for a cookout...which should be fun since it's like 30 degrees out there! Maybe we'll cook something inside. Who knows. After dinner we play this card game called baseball. Takes too long to explain it but it's a lot of fun...especially if you a)drink or b)gamble. Good times.

Cari got hired on up here at Pharmacare! She'll be downstairs while I'll be upstairs. She was freaking out when she got this Fedex envelope with all her hire materials in it yesterday. We agreed it's not such a bad thing we're not next to each other ha ha...

To conslude, here's a picture of my grandfather...84 years old this July and still as spry as he was when he was 78. Emmy even got him to play hopscotch...granted it was kind of a one-sided victory for my girl but the effort was admirable from him ha ha

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