Friday, April 14, 2006

"Old Friends..."

...can come back into your life at almost any moment. Years and years ago (1996 to be exact) I was at a crossroads in my life. I was living with my grandparents, had no job, no money, bills and only had one job in my life that I really enjoyed. October 22, 1996 was the day I turned my life around. I remember feeling so sorry for myself that I just started crying and praying at the same time. It was at that point I realized I could not go on alone. I needed His help. God's love and support. A cool chap I met on here has really brought that into focus but I'll get to him later. SO after abuot three hours of praying, I fell asleep on the floor of my room.

When I woke up, something told me to start driving, so I did. And I passed a Papa John's Pizza place along the way. And it said "Now hiring". I was like "too weird". So I went inside and there was a guy named Mark who pretty much hired me on the spot to be a delivery driver. Turns out I enjoyed it so much that I did it for the next six years. But it all started with him. In 1999 we lost touch and it wasn't until this week that he found me courtesy of my site and e-mailed me. I responded that night but haven't heard anything back yet. Was good to hear from him again. The only boss I didn't despise and or/loathe.

Went to the Japanese Gardens a couple weeks ago for their annual festival/party. Here's what ya missed:

Wanna give a shout out to Benson, a fellow Bloggah like me. Seems like all we hear about on the news is mothers hurting their children, children hurting their parents, I could go on. But this guy is proof that kids can grow up and become something truly awe-inspiring. He's graduating college this year over in Singapore and will change the world, I can feel it. He mentioned me in one of his posts and had some cool things to say so I told him I would return the favor one day. Only took three months bro but I did it! Visit his site if you have a chance...will get you out of the box.

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