Friday, December 29, 2006

"Darren Hayes Is What!?"

For those of you who don't know who Darren Hayes is, he is, or was, the lead singer of what may be my favorite groups of all time, Savage Garden. The year was 2000, and I was miserable, and yes it was because of a woman. Or should I say child. I was committed to being in a relationship with her and she had no idea what she wanted. She was married but seperated and was flip-flopping between me and him. Try to imagine being sad every day for about five months and really not knowing why. It was during this time that an old friend turned me on to Savage Garden, and their music really inspired me to believe in myself and to want more for my life and not merely settle for what is given to me. Eventually I pulled away from her and wound up the family man I am today. Every time I hear a song by them, I always reminisce about that time in my life where I experienced just about every emotion in the book lol. Oh, by the way, Mr. Hayes is gay! He was married to a woman for about four years but got divorced. Now he's married a guy! I was shocked. Shocked but not really surprised. With the recent trend of celebrities cracking open the closet door (Lance Bass, Neil Patrick Harris, T.R. Knight, etc.), I expect just about everyone in Hollywood to come out eventually. It's their business though, not mine. Just because it's on "Entertainment Tonight" doesn't mean I need to worry about it.

Had a great Christmas! Emily and Zach got just about everything under the sun under the tree. Emily got a KidTough digital camera just like she wanted. She takes it everywhere with her. In fact, I don't even know where it's at lol. Here's a pic of what ol' Mikey got:

Pretty sweet eh? This one I...may have to open...since there's a challenge here to put both of them together.

Part of me hopes I never have to relive 2000 again. When my diet consisted mainly of Pepto-Bismol for a 6 month period something needed to be changed. However, looking back, I guess it was good for me to get in touch with what I was feeling.

Happy New Year Everyone!! My resolution is to drop 100 lbs. Can I do it? (shrug) But I'll try my best to watch what I eat and work in some exercise here and there. Wish me luck!

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