Friday, December 01, 2006

"How Cold Is It?" is so cold that we had a freeze warning! In Texas! What's funny is the afternoon before the cold front came in it was 75 and humid all day. And I should know as I was off that day! So now we have to get out our sweaters and fuzzy mittens and-dare I say it-jackets! You know, I whine and cry all year long for it to get cold and when it does, then I'm all "It's too cold!". It is so hard to please me sometimes.

We put up the Christmas lights last Sunday. Now the big lit tree and the little trees in the front yard are no problem at all. It's the icicle lights around the trim of the house that are a pain. Why, you ask? Well let me tell you. The only way to put them up is for me to get on the roof and lay down on my gut and balance myself hanging them up. It hurts so bad. Plus I have to get down which involves balancing myself on numerous fence posts and all the while hoping I don't fall to my ultimate demise. Happy holidays! But once that's done the rest is pretty fun. We'll do the tree either tonight or Sunday. I asked Emmy if she wanted to use her step stool form the kitchen to do the higher part of the tree and she said "No Daddy, that's too high. You do that and I'll do the lower part." What's funny is that she said it like I didn't make any sense.

She's been getting in trouble lately for things she knows better that to try with us. I asked her why and she says "I don't know". Which, by the way, infuriates me as much as it did my parents when I would say it, but that's neither here nor there. So I asked her if she wanted attention and she said yes, and it all made sense. Now she's not a bad kid unlike the neighbor kids who have no respect for...well, anything. She's a great kid. Sometimes we need to remember that more. It's so hard to make sure she gets what she needs from us and all the while have to raise Zach who requires about 97% of our time right now. Now once he's older the balance should right itself, but for now I make every attempt to talk to her about her life and school and what she wants for Christmas and so on. We who were the first born tend to forget how we felt when the next kid came along. Sometimes it's more then we could handle.

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