Monday, March 12, 2007

"Are Things Back To Normal?"

Mmm, probably not. But at least I'm slowly learning the tricks and tribulations of how to post again on this thing. Every now and then the edit toolbar comes back and I have to take advantage of it because if it's not there the body of the post will not stick. Lovely thing you've done here Blogger. All in the name of free enterprise eh?

Like the picture? I had a little fun cutting and pasting. This is a picture I took of the Japanese gardens in Fort Worth plus a fishing boat added. Believe it or not I had to search long and hard for a picture of a simple boat. In the end, this was the best I could come up with.

What's new lately? Let's see...Emmy started soccer couple weeks ago...last Sunday we went to the botanical gardens with Branda/Jerramy/Camron/Carson. We had a great afternoon. Zach got to learn how to go up and down steps! That's all he wanted to do. Emmy was about 2 1/2 before she was interested in's hard right now waiting for Zach to reach that point. Doesn't mean he isn't fun to be around though.

Supposed to be getting our tax return in the next 7 days. Then it's new camera!! Just when I get into DP (digital photography) it's taken away from me. But our new camera will be better then ever.

That interview I went to didn't come through. Ah well. Win some, lose some right? The truth is, as much as I wanted it, if I had gotten it I would have had to change my morning routine entirely and to be honest I'm not sure I would have been able to pull it off. I will leave these things up to God and only worry about things I can control. What it's all about I guess.

It's VERY cloudy right now...I sure hope it rains. I love rain. I'm off Thursday and Emily and her cousin Ethan and I shall do something big...find out Friday.

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