Friday, March 16, 2007

"Income Tax Return is HERE!"

Finally! A whopping $2,800 just arrived into our sometimes pitiful bank account this morning! Which means by this time next Monday I will be one fancypants camera richer! Lately I have been finding it hard to write about things without my own original pictures accompanying them. Plus, I feel bad that a lot of my kids' growth and development is not being captured for posterity. But no more!

Emily spent the night with my grandparents, her great-grandparents last night. I am so glad she doesn't throw a fit when we ask her if she wants to stay there. In fact, she enjoys spending time with them. This means more to me then she will ever know. I hope Zach gets some quality time in there as well. I know he and grandpa would have a lot in common...what exactly I don't know lol.

I have accumulated quite a number of new toys since last July and hopefully I will get them on here in the coming weeks. In the meantime, here are some pics from around the 'Net of some of my favourite things: spiders!

Camel Spider

Brown Recluse Spider

Black Widow Spider

Why did I mention spiders? Because when I was a kid I actually came face to face with a brown recluse spider on my right calf. I swatted it away before it could do anything but there is still a small scar on my leg from where it almost bit me. Why would God put things like this on our planet anyway? I'm sure there is a very good reason but darned if I know. I know when I get to Heaven there will be miles and miles of file cabinets containing explanations of everything that has ever happened. Which is good 'cuz I got a lot of questions! None come to mind right now other then the spider thing though.

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