Friday, April 13, 2007

"It's Friday The 13th!"

And man, what a morning! Very dark, very ominous...with a hint of sprinkles. And I'm not talking about the ones you find on a doughnut. Although, how cool would that be if just for one day, it rained all your favourite treats? For me, I would pick Mrs. Baird's apple pies. Been eating them all my life and still have yet to get tired of them. Out of the wrapper or warmed up with some ice cream, it's all good.

Notice anything different? I think a safe bet would be to say I'm more then a little obsessed with Batman right now. I'm very proud of what I've done however. Even though work has been off the hook right now (very busy) I somehow found time for the important things lol.

So Larry's the father eh? Man, that poor kid. Not too many kids can find out just how famous they are (or were) just by turning on CNN...or Extra!.

A busy week! Let's let the pictures tell the tale:

Ye Olde Easter bunny came by our neighborhood Sunday! Zach and Emmy got some good things like candy, clothes...and money!? How come no one ever gives ol' Mikey any money? Oh yeah...I'm 32.

Wednesday night was Emmy's soccer "banquet" at Mama's Pizza. Not sure if there are anymore out there but man they sure are good. Everyone got a trophy and the coaches got medals. How come no one ever gives ol' Mikey a medal? Oh yeah...I had nothing to do with the team lol. But I did help Emmy practice a few times.

Tuesday night we went to the Ranger game! Someone at work gave me two free tickets so of course I had to use them. Too bad "free" means:

$12 for parking
$4 for lemonade
$4 for popcorn

Would ya look at the size of that "coffee slurpee"!!?? I tell ya...if I had one that size...would probably be enough to satisfy my addiction for a few days...or 15 lifetimes lol

Me: "Hey Emmy, can I have some of that popcorn?"
Emmy: "Gee, I don't know Dad...there's not really that much left."

In case ya didn't know, the bluebonnet is the official state flower of Texas! Turns out a house around the corner from us has them growing wild in his yard, so on the way home from the soccer "banquet", I snapped a few shots, including this close-up, which looks pretty darn good if you ask me. And you did ask me...right?

I won a $20 gift card from work for being such a darn good worker! First time for everything, right? ha ha. Guess where I got it from...I'll give you a hint...rhymes with "Noise Are Us". That's probably giving it away lol.

Our friends Jerramy and Branda are getting married tomorrow. I hope their "civil union ceremony" (j/k) will be frought with love and happiness for years to come. Marriage is hard work isn't it? Especially if you're in Hollywood where temptation is around the corner...some corners sleazier then others, but that's neither here nor there. for me, the hardest part of being married is not to think about being with other people. And I admit, sometimes I wonder about that. But surely I can't be alone in this, right? But then I kind of come back to Earth and tell myself, there's always going to be someone else. Always. Temptation never goes away. We just have to ask ourselves is it worth it? No. Never. Now I know in this world people get divorced as often as they get married. That's an awful ratio, but a realistic one nonetheless. "Vows" and "sanctity" seem to get used really loosely, but they mean something to me. Anyone remember "Beverly Hills, 90210" when Valerie was fooling around with Kenny, the married lawyer, and when he wouldn't leave his wife she lied and said she was pregnant, then wanted $100,000 to have an "abortion"? That's horrible! I know it's just TV, but this kind of thing goes on all the time. All I can do is live my life working each day to insure our family doesn't fall apart. Marriages are a lot like bluebonnets...they're here for a while, then they're gone literally overnight. But the ones who have God in their life last forever...and I do mean forever.

P.S. I got some new toys that I will get on here soon...thinking of re-starting my toy site again.

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