Thursday, April 05, 2007

"What's Wrong With This Picture?"

There are three things that do not appear to be right in this picture. If I could offer fabulous prizes, I would, but seeing as I can't, maybe I can offer you some of my MP3's. The answer a little bit later.

After much discussion about what time I need to request off during Emily's summer break to offset daycare costs, I have decided on the week of...July 4th! Such a no-brainer. Now all I have to do is come up with an itinerary...a schedule if you will...of things for the three of us to do. What I really want to do is incorporate learning into these activities so Emmy doesn't show up on the first day of school and say "Well gollee, I sure did forgot what I learned ya'll!" (shudders) The horror. Anyways, I figure one day we can go to a park and identify different types of flowers and plants and probably insects since we all know THEY'LL be out there. Another day we might be able to go to the library and get an exciting book and take a trip in our minds or something. I'm thinking "Swiss Family Robinson" or "Lost: The Book" if it comes out soon, and we all hope that it will.

Here are some pics I took with my new camera here, there, and everywhere (i.e. the mall):

Yes, that is Emmy in her soccer uniform playing her heart out! I think a big part of kid's sports is knowing when to let the kid play and when to push her to play right. When she first started she didn't always know where to be or what to do. But she practiced. So much in fact that that's all she wants to do now is play soccer with someone...anyone...because she has worked at it and she knows a lot more about the game. Could not be prouder of her.

Now Zach, on the other he the next Emeril or the next Rachael Ray? Hmm...actually, he's quite adept at helping in the kitchen! Kid isn't even two yet and he knows how to run the dishwasher. I had finished loading it when he comes around, out of nowhere, and closes the door, locks it, and if his hands were a little stronger he would have turned the dial that starts the rinse cycle! He's such a dynamo when it comes to things like that. I only hope I can keep him encouraged and on the right path.

What is the right path? Heck if I know. Heck if anyone knows right? Right now I have it in my head that we will be close and he will want to share things with me and ask me for advice when things aren't going his way. But then I think it will be the opposite and he would rather be doing something else then hanging out with me. I know kids eventually turn into teenagers and don't want to be seen with you...ever...but maybe Zach and Emmy can be the exceptions to the rule. Maybe we will be close and they might actually want to tell me if something is bothering them. All I can do is keep telling them I love them and always being available if they want to talk to me.

Okay, now it's time to see if you got the three things that were wrong with this picture:

1. The pH balance in the soil around the pond was measured at a 6.5, which is below the recommended 6.8 balance.
2. The concrete in the bridge blocks was comprised of structural concrete when it should have been made of reinforced concrete.
3. The big rock in front is made of three parts sedimentary rock and one part liemstone and will erode much quicker then one that is made up of seven parts igneous rock with a one part quartz mixed in.

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