Friday, August 03, 2007

"They Say It's Your Birthday...!"

As of July 26 Emily is officially SIX! We had her birthday party a couple of weeks ago at this water park so we didn't have to entertain that much ha ha. I of course got my customary sunburn since my "It's cloudy so there's no chance of getting burned" theory never...EVER holds up. My arms are still peeling a bit. Everything you ever wanted to know right? Here's couple pix:

Emily: "Look Dad, The Bridge Of Terabithia!"

Me: "I thought you wanted the James Bond box set!"

Emily: (sigh)"No Daddy, YOU wanted that. Better luck in December eh?"

Me: "Oh yeah..."

Zach: "Okay, where's that water? Let's go people! MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!"

Me: "Hey, calm down chief...don't you want to sing Happy Birthday to Emily?"

Zach: "Who?"

Me: "Ehh, she's probably better off...go swim for your life!"

Well, we found out yesterday that Caremark, the company that supposedly we bought, is going to be our new employer! They're closing down our office and moving us all to their office in Richardson, which is a lot farther away but pays a lot more and the benefits are better. So what do I do? All of us have been campaigning for a pay increase to keep up with, let's see, everyone else in the world. Heck, even beggars on the corner of the highway exit make more then us. At least I think they do. For some reason when I ask them for their previous tax returns they're always "missing".
I think it will be a good thing for our family though. No more overtime (5-10 hrs a week currently) is always a good thing. And overtime for Caremark is somewhere in the $20 an hour range. The problem is they didn't offer Cari the same thing, so we may not be able to work together anymore. And I think I would miss that.

I don't talk about her that much on here. And it's not because I don't think about her, because I do. Sometimes it feels like I take her for granted because she does so much for me and the kids, so I probably do. But I don't. She knows she is the lynchpin of our family and we owe her everything. Every Friday we have "Chick Fil-A Morning" when I go by and get our usual (bacon-egg-cheese biscuit/hash brown/gal. of sweet tea) and even though we don't sit together and eat, we both enjoy it a little more because we get to see each other. But who knows what will happen, so no jumping to conclusions. is having a Transformers photo contest. The goal is to have them in some kind of setting where they are breaking the laws of the road (speeding, running a red light, illegal parking, etc.). I have kind of an idea what I wanna do but will need to plan it a little. Any ideas would be considered!

Going to play poker tonight! Cari's parents are watching the dogs-I mean kids so we could go. $10 buy in and hopefully several winners. Starts at 9pm. I've been practicing at and for a while I was really good. But now I seem to lose more then I win. I rush myself sometimes and get tired of folding so I bet to stay in only to lose. Must remind myself it's a marathon, not a sprint. Wish us luck!

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