Friday, August 31, 2007

"First Day Of School? Already?"

(sigh) yeah...I still cannot believe my little girl is starting first grade already. Seems like last year she was just in kindergarten. As a matter of fact, she was. Now she's an old pro at this. But sometimes a little change can go a long way in the eyes of a 6-year old. Last night she just felt like crying and even though I didn't know exactly what was bothering her, I could sense she was sad about summer ending and a class full of new people (and a few holdovers from last year). Which is understandable. I have no doubt she will be as great a kid as she was last year. Hmm, maybe I did understand what was wrong lol.

What is my best first day of school? Probably senior year...just knowing that each day was one day closer to being done was enough for me.

My worst day? Easy. 7th grade. I was a library aide 2nd period and English was 3rd period. All the way across campus. I didn't know how far it was exactly until I actually walked it and got there 5 minutes too late. Of course, being me, I was too scared to just go in and have everyone stare at me so I hung out in the hall for about 10 minutes, waiting for class to end. And, of course, a teacher or someone saw me standing around and made me go into the classroom, where of course everyone turned and looked at me which just knotted me all up inside. I spent the rest of the day with a killer tummyache that didn't go away until I went home.



Three day weekend coming up! Hopefully we will do something fun but not sure what. We almost had to work Labour Day but we ended up getting enough volunteers. What a racket this place has going. We'd work Christmas if someone higher up thought it was a good idea. That interview I had Wednesday turned out to be nothing more then a meeting where I found out there are THREE more interviews including a panel of managers who will ask me all kinds of idiotic questions. Geez. If I had known that I wouldn't have wasted my time. So we'll see I guess.
Your results:
You are The Flash

The Flash
Green Lantern
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
Fast, athletic and flirtatious.

Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...

The Flash? Really? With colours like that it's more like "The Clash" ha ha

What was your best first day of school? Worst?

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