Friday, August 10, 2007

"What's Up Doc?"

This has to be one of my favourite movies of all time. Of course, it cannot possibly claim the top spot since that belongs to another movie that came out this summer. I forget what it was called but it had something to do with cars and planes transforming and such. Wacky Robot Escapade I think it was called. Anyways, What's Up Doc runs a close second. It was filmed 2 or 3 years before I was born but it is timeless. Here's the run-down:

Four plaid suitcases containing:

Secret government documents
Igneous rocks

Now the people that own them think they have a one of a kind bag that couldn't possibly contain anything else. But through a series of hilarious adventures everyone winds up in the San Francisco courthouse and only one man can sort it all out. That man is Howard Bannister (Ryan O'Neal) who through no fault of his own finds himself in the middle of the whole thing and tries his best to explain it all to the judge. I must have seen this 20 times and it has me in tears every time.

Emmy: "Um, Dad, when I said I wanted to go on a vacation I had something a little farther away then Fort Worth!"

Me: "Well, it WAS almost a 20 minute drive ya know."

Zach: "Is this horse even real?"

I mentioned What's Up Doc because it is one of the few things that really takes me back to when I was a kid and my family would watch it together and just laugh. I'm pretty much known as the class clown everywhere I go (family get togethers, work, etc.) and sometimes I don't feel like anyone really cares what I think. Maybe it's just me being silly, I don't know. I gotta be me though, ya know?

Not a lot going on lately. Waiting till Oct 1 when we start working for Caremark. That's when the money starts coming in. And man it better be soon. Daddy wants a new car!

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