Saturday, December 15, 2007

"Merry Christmas?"

Well right now I really don't know if this is going to be a Christmas I look back on with too much good memory right now. The state is hemming and hawing about approving my unemployment which means we still don't have the money we might need to finish shopping much yet make sure our bills are paid. You know...sometimes it really feels like I'm being punished...but for what? All I do these days is try and go back to something truly awful that I did to have my life end up like this and I come up empty. Plus, the position I wanted at Cari's company decided I can't do it because we'd have the same supervisor. So now every department has my resume and is trying to get me in there since they seem to think I'd be a great fit. But who knows when this will happen, so I had better look elsewhere for the time being. Still praying daily and hoping God's will be any capacity.

Okay, enough depressing talk. Tis the season right?

Emily found something she really wants this Christmas. And that something is:

Now, granted, she has been very good this year in school and at home, so why shouldn't Santa bring it to her right? Now I've mentioned to her that it had better not interfere with school and keeping her room clean. If it does...outtahere! Then of course I would get hooked on it. I already know what game I would get:

I'm not sure which mode of playing is harder...with real people or with computer folks. Hard to see if computer is bluffing but then again it's harder for them to see me bluff. Sometimes beginners can really clean up since they don't know how to bluff, then the rest of the table doesn't know what they have.

Here's a game Cari might like:

We all love this show. It's amazing how people let greed cloud their judgement when they think they have a lot of money in their little case. If I ever made it onto this show (and how exactly do ya get on there anyway? Do you have to live in New York or California or something? Arggh), I already have a target amount to settle for: $250,000. I've seen people with offers more then that turn it down thinking there's more to be had only to leave with about 25% of their offer. Greed. It's a wonderful thing ya know. There's a reason it's one of the seven deadly sins people.

Emily knows she wants the DS, but as to what game she wants, I don't know if even she knows. She'd probably enjoy this one though:

She loves these movies, which is cool because I enjoy them as well. So many little things you really have to watch close for and she doesn't miss them at all.

And finally, let's not forget the boy. Zach I think his name is ha ha. What game would he want? Well, since he won't tell me, I would say this one would suit him:


What about this one though?

This one I wouldn't mind playing with him. We'd need two DS's though. Maybe one day.

Hopefully by the end of next week I'll have some resolution on this whole unemployment thing. But I really shouldn't let these things spoil what is usually the happiest time of the year for me. Nobody should. This is the time of year of thinking about others and trying to help those less fortunate then us. And there is always someone less fortunate if you really think about it. I'm trying to think about it a little more ya know?

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