Sunday, December 30, 2007

"One Fruitful Christmas!!"

And man, did my kids get a haul! A basketball hoop, 63 cans of Play-D, and everything in between! Well, maybe not 63 cans. But a lot. And I better not see any of it on the ground! Ha ha...well, I won't get too mad if it's just a little bit.

Zach PlayDoh
Emmy got something she had been hoping for pretty much all year:

Emmy DS
I'm glad Santa picked one up for it's up to us to make sure we get to play too ha ha. Plus, ol' Mikey got a little something too. Hint: I'm the one wearing #9:

That "Friends" episode with Brad Pitt is on right now. This is definitely one of the top five faves in my book. It's a shame that Jen and him couldn't last longer then five years, but in Hollywood that's an eternity right? Heck, me and Cari will be six years strong next April. I can't imagine what 40 years will feel like. Six seems to have come and gone pretty quick but at the same time it seems like it has taken a long time to get here. I really don't feel like my life was anything interesting until I met her. Now there are so many things to look forward to. Can't wait.

Somehow, I got my computer up and running!! It had crashed (or so I thought) so I kept at it and got it to come back to life. Very proud of myself. Hey, I'll take what I can get. And now I can play my fave game. Here's a hint:

I don't know what it is about Roller Coaster Tycoon, but it really brings out something creative in me. If I had a dollar for every hour I have spent on this in my life...well...could probably buy a Kia.

Going to have a New Years' Eve party here tomorrow night! Pizzas, poker, and maybe a Smirnoff Pomegranite Twister for me ha ha. Good to have friends in this world. Got four coming over for a pajama party! Just might break out the ol' camcorder. Never know what will happen. Wish I had a connector kit so I could upload them on here. Then we'd have some fun. Maybe I will get one one day. Christmas 2013 maybe? Eh, maybe sooner. I love those new hard drive camcorders they have now. As soon as I start working somewhere...anywhere...hopefully I can get one.

I think we had a great Christmas. Can't wait until Zach is a little older. I think boys enjoy presents more then girls. We're so me me me all the time. Wish we weren't, but some things are hard to change sometimes. We must always improve ourselves a little each day.

1 comment:

KENNY said...

Your park looks fabulous! And yeah, Rollercoaster Tycoon is hella fun. I've spent countless hours on it as well.