Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"One Fun Trip To Waxahachie!"


Yes, it is a little out of the way town a little south of us, but they have one of our favourite places to eat. Talkin' 'bout the Catfish Plantation where we have come here on Halloween for the last few years in hopes of creating traditions for Zach and Emmy that they will remember forever. Of course they get a little scared still, which kids need sometimes. Here are a few pics:

Catflsh Plantation 2008
Tracy(thinking): "Wow, Jay is the best ventriloquist I've ever seen...the way he talks with his hand and I never see his lips move...I can't look away..."
Jay: "And so kids, that is why Mr. Handy says it is so important to stay in school..."
Tracy: "Yea!!! Bravo!!"

Catfish Plantation 2008
Zach: "Hey Dad, who's the scariest person in here?"
Me: "Well, in my opinion, it's the guy in the mirror behind you...or is that a statue? Either way he gives me the creeps!"
Zach: "I think he just needs to use the bathroom."

Catfish Plantation 2008
Emmy: "This witch is superscary Dad!! Why do you insist on making me stand next to it while you get the 'perfect picture'?"
Me: "Because I'm too scared to get next to it! See how useful you are?"
Emmy: "Yeah, I'M are not!"
Me: "Hey it before I make you hug that thing."
Emmy: "I'll be good."

Catfish Plantation 2008
Me: "Okay Jack, smile like your life depends on it...and in many ways it does."
Jack: "What?"
Dylan: "Oh wow!! They have chicken strips on the kid's menu!"
Me: "Um, yeah, cuz no kid's menu ever has chicken strips ever."

Catfish Plantation 2008
Ooh, spooky...

Catfish Plantation 2008
So this is where Dracula is buried eh? It seems to me we've tried to kill him in the movies over and over and he keeps resurrecting himself. Maybe this...isn't...where he is actually buried.

Having our bonus party tomorrow!! Finally I can see what my hours of hard work are worth. Okay, hours of work. At least we get to get off the phone at 3:45. I went to one in April and it was pretty fun. But this time, I've been entered in a pie-eating contest. I only agreed to do this because I thought we could use our hands, but now that may not even be. I don't want to just use my face. I embarrass easily ya know. But this check should be about $800 give or take. And then Friday I'm leaving @ 3:30 to officially kick off Halloween weekend. I tell ya, I wish Halloween fell on a Friday every year. Some of my happiest memories were getting together with some friends and walking the neighborhood all by ourselves and doing what amounted to begging for candy. Now I'm a dad and I get to relive all of that with my kids. The first Halloween I can remember I was going to a daycare and they had this party (as all daycares do now I suppose) and my mom wanted me to wear a white sheet around me like a ghost and I didn't want to because I thought I would look like a girl in a dress. How I remember these things is beyond me. I was about 5 I think.

Zach turns three on Friday!! Will have pix from his party next week. We're going to the Parks Mall and having a carousel party! Perfect for kids of all ages...and me lol. Man, this kid cannot turn three fast enough. Terrible twos do not do him justice. What's funny is in the last couple of weeks he seems to have turned a corner and not been such a handful. He's been going to sleep better, sleeping all night better, and since we took him off pull-ups he has hardly had any accidents, even while sleeping at night.

Tonight we are carving our pumpkins! I wanted to do it sooner but the term "better late then never" has become our family motto. So much going on sometimes. But we're at a pretty good place in our lives right now. Emmy just keeps amazing all of us with how well she is doing in school and that she is enjoying going again. One thing ya gotta love about kids is their resiliency. If they only knew how many things could go on with their lives they might freak out ha ha. Fortunately she has parents who can keep her in line and at the same time teach her how to take care of her business.

Girl Scout Pumpkin Patch Oct 2008
Zach: "Hey Dad, my head is really stuck in this thing...I think I'm blacking out..."
Me: "I tell ya...part of me wants to go help you and the other part of me wants to get this picture."
Zach: "(sigh) Nevermind, I know which part is going to win there."
Me: "Obi-Wan has taught you well..."

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