Friday, September 07, 2012

"What A Long Week!!"

But Mike, you only had to work four days this week. Shouldn't it have felt like a short week? What's the dealio?

Well, I'll tell you what the "dealio" is. First of all, I haven't felt good at all this week. A combination of a bad cough and insomnia has just shut me down mentally and physically. I managed to go to work every day though! Very proud of me. If I'm planning on taking some sick days next week, I need to make it in every day whether I'm up for it or not. And that was everyday this week. Plus, Wednesday night, I had just taken some NyQuil and was planning on a goodnight's sleep when I saw this bug buzzing around our ceiling fan! I thought it was a moth, but when I turned the light on, it was a giant roach! Cari and I spent the last hour hunting it down. Literally. We moved dressers, curtains, TVs, clothes...and at 11:30 that night, I managed to stun it, and slayed it. Cari, who is normally freaked out by bugs, was quite invaluable as a look out and managed to see it when I couldn't. Maybe we should go into business together. Nah...

Sunday I woke up and Zach was already up, so we took a trip down guessed it...the hidden park!:

Jake Langston Park 9-2-2012

Love this shot! I raved about it right after I took it. Zach wasn't as thrilled, which made me sad. Just kidding. Haven't met a 6 year old yet who was obsessed with the "perfect picture".

Jake Langston Park 9-2-2012

We managed to find the secret path down to the riverbank! The way we usually go to the park there is a steep wall that we probably could climb, but it just isn't worth it. So we drove around and went to the other side. The path was kind of steep but Zach and I are troopers. Was touch and go there for a while though. I almost got dirt on me!

Jake Langston Park 9-2-2012

Aww, what a good shot of us. Backwards hats and all...

Jake Langston Park 9-2-2012

We even saw a spider! I have no idea what kind it is but Zach had never seen one so big before. We walked away from it and when we came back it was gone! Maybe it thought we were going to squash it. What a life when that's always on your mind.

We also got together with Mom and Keri for the last of Emmy's birthday lunches:

Emily is Eleven! 8-25-2012

What a great shot. Keri really does look like Emmy when she was her age.

Emily is Eleven! 8-25-2012

And, what get-together would be complete without a shot of Zach doing THIS. A photographer's dream and nightmare all wrapped up together.

I found my baby book this week! It had been packed in with a lot of papers we held onto but now we need to clean out as it won't be 2005 ever again ha ha. So I'm looking through it (I'll scan some pics and throw them on here next week) and I wish I could remember the circumstances of some of those pictures, but there's one of me with our cat Frances sleeping next to me. I do remember Frances though. Just the nicest cat you ever met. Totally forgot there was a picture of me and her in there. Cari's parents' cat just died and they're looking for a new one, so that caused me to stroll down cat Memory lane a little. We should get a cat for Zach and Emmy. Hopefully we can swing one by the end of the year. Kids should have pets I guess. Even when they die.

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