Friday, May 24, 2013

"Class Picture Time!!"

Yes, that time of year has come when every kid must actually take a bath, and actually put on not only clean clothes, but nice clean clothes. Here is Emmy's last class picture she will have at JB Little:

Emily 6th Grade Class Picture

Aww, she looks great. Always cracks me up how there are kids that think dressing up means getting their nicest t-shirt out of the dirty clothes hamper and putting them in the dryer to "freshen them up".

Here's Zach:

Zach 1st Grade Class Picture

Not sure why the hang dog look on his face. He's so sensitive sometimes. Somewhere there's a woman who will be able to channel that for him in the right direction.

Emmy also finished up her last soccer season...maybe forever...:

Emily Soccer Pictures Spring 2013

I think she enjoyed playing soccer as long as it was fun. But this league was all about playing perfectly and any mistake was magnified and she just didn't want any part of it. I don't blame her.

I remember when I would have those class pictures taken. One year I wore a shirt that said "Seattle" on it. All the letters were on a different colored umbrella. Another year I think I wore either a Popeye shirt or an Incredible Hulk shirt. Seems like no one ever knew it was actually picture day.

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