Saturday, August 13, 2005

"What Makes A Great Weekend?"

For me, a great weekend consists of one major thing: forgetting what I did at work the week before. If I can go into work Monday completely unaware of what I did LAST week, it's great. Now this one major thing needs lots of minor things that we did that take my mind off what's comin' around the corner. Last weekend (Aug 6/7) was one of the good ones. What we did:

5:38am: Woke up (bad combo of headache/bathroom trip will wake anyone up)
8:45am: Drove around garage sales with wife and kid looking for a crib...unsuccessfully (sigh)
4:15pm: Dropped the kid off at her grandma's house
7:15pm: Had dinner at Texas Cheesecake Factory (so yum!)

10:30am: Had breakfast at do they get thise flapjacks so fluffy?! A mystery...
1:20pm: Saw "Wedding Crashers" in the new theater in far funniest thing I've seen guess "Meet The Fockers"...funnier though

As I write this I sit on the cusp of another weekend...not sure what's gonna happen...there's some talk of seeing "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory" but it's in the preliminary stages right now...if this is in any way interesting to you lemme know!!

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