Friday, November 11, 2005

"First prize!!"

Is this not the coolest Halloween costume like ever?? I hope my son and/or daughter choose to wear something like this one day. Pipe dream? Yeah, probably. Ah well. Dad can dream, can't he? I try to remember the costumes I had when I was a kid. Can't remember but one of them. Batman. Complete with black facepaint which I was allergic to. I remember Dad saying "Oh, you'll be okay. The sub-zero temperatures (we were living in Canada) should help take the edge off." He really looked out for me, didn't he?

And now Thanksgiving is right around the corner. My favorite part of this holiday is...when it gets chilly...and you're so full of turkey you sprout feathers...and you just fall asleep wherever you happen to be sitting...ahh, good times.

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