Saturday, September 08, 2007

"Labour Day BBQ!"

Yes, it was that time of year when the Overalls and various family members related to us Overalls gathered at Grandpa's house to enjoy a little lunch, a lot of tea, and some stories. One thing I learned was that Uncle Dean collects guns. A LOT of them. I know he's a police officer and everything, but he's not exactly disproving the myth that all cops are obsessed with guns. Will be sure to be on my best behaviour when I go to his house lol. Here are a few pics:


Me: "Hey Uncle Dean, the burgers look great!"
Dean: "Thanks! It's not everyday you hit an animal with your car plus provide lunch for everyone!"
Me: "You...hit a cow with your car...?"
Dean: "Who said anything about a cow?"
Me: "Um...maybe I'll just have a salad..."


Dad: "Let's see, no Grey Poupon, no fancy plates, and only store brand hot dog buns!? No no no, this simply will not do!"
Me: "Who are you, Martha Stewart?"
Dad: "Yes...yes I am..."
Me: "Oh I'm worried."


Dad: "Wow...could we possibly look any cooler?"
Grandpa: "YES!"
Zach: "I think I'm getting a seperated shoulder."
Dean: "Must...keep...smiling..."
Me: "I think Dean's trying to pick my pocket. If he needs $3.00 that bad, it's all his."

Cari's birthday is next week. The 15th to be exact. I'm searching for what I can get her that will show her how much she means not only to our family, but to me personally. When someone does as much for you as she does, it's practically impossible to repay her in full. But maybe this is my chance to do something really great to show her how truly invaluable she is to us. I could...

-have her face englazed on a complete set of plates
-subscription to TV Guide
-a day at the spa

I'll really have to think about this one. Lots of good choices there.

Sometimes family is all we have. Everyone likes to brag how their family is far more abnormal then anyone else's. I know I used to. Until I read in the Ft Worth Star Telegram(our local paper) about a dad who made his son sleep out in the back yard with no shoes and only a dilapidated trailer camper for shelter. This had gone on for about four days when finally a neighbor called the cops. When they asked him why he was doing it the dad said "discipline". Are ya kidding me!? You wanna discipline your 12-year old son, you take away his stereo. You have him clean the house. You have him volunteer at a local charity. But you don't do what this guy did. The boy had flea bites for crying out loud. If you ever read Dear Abby, you'd hear about some of the horrible things family can do do each other. I won't go into it but you know what I mean. But my family never did anything horrible to me. Unless you consider bad jokes and meandering about career choices torture lol. I never really thought about how fortunate I was until just recently. On Labour Day. No one had any secrets they were keeping, no grudges being held, just a nice afternoon.

Zach fell and hit his head at the babysitter's yesterday. We were driving him to the ER and on the radio came on "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M. Thankfully he didn't need stitches, just a dab of SuperGlue (no kidding) and a Band-Aid. Sometimes the radio gods know what they're doing.

What is the best thing about your family? The worst?


Anonymous said...

Mike, what you wrote was extremly touching. You are right - we do have a pretty great family and everyone seems to get along well. You guys have never been anything but supportive of me and everything I've tried to do. I love you bro. You done good.

Anonymous said...

Even though there are no pictures of me! *sniff* [tosses hair]
