Friday, April 24, 2009

" Coming..."

No, I did not shoot this in a theater. But someone did. Apparently they ate Pop Rocks and Coke beforehand as the picture is quite shaky. But man, Transformers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen is looking great! If you read my July 2007 posts, you can see how jazzed I was that my favourite toy growing up was going to be done in real-life (or as real-life as you can get considering computers made a BIG difference). And now...the sequel. Two months and counting. Don't know how many of the toys I will be acquiring since 1) it adds up, and 2) I don't know how excited I am about collecting things anymore. Maybe I'm growing up, who knows. Maybe it's a case of been there, done that, but I am pretty sure I will pick up one, maybe two items, but not eleven like I did back in 2007. A one-car garage only holds so much.

Re-tiled the bathroom floor on Monday! I wanted it to be a surprise for Cari when she got home. I almost had it pulled off but she showed up a little early as I was finishing. With the exception of a couple of spaces in between tiles it looks really good. I've been wanting to do that for months, ever since we bought the tiles and the old floor started coming up on its own. Now the toilet decided to start leaking right after I finish retiling. Argh. Fortunately, I identified where it's coming from, so now I can replace the pipe that connects from the wall. EIGHT HOURS I spent doing this. I woke up the next day sore beyond belief. My plan was to do both bathrooms on the same day. Oh what a fool was I. It took over four hours just to get the old floor up. Apparently, and this is following in the spirit of the house, one part of the floor came right up and the rest of it was perma-bonded to the floor with some sort of adhesive used only by NASA. My hips and arms were (and still are) killing me.

We found some kittens in our backyard last Saturday! Here are some pix:

Kittens Found In Our Backyard
Kittens Found In Our Backyard
Kittens Found In Our Backyard
The mom came back and got them some point Sunday night, but it was nice to have pets around the house besides Zach and Emmy ha ha. According to my new BFF Wikipedia:

"Several ancient religions believed that cats are exalted souls, companions or guides for humans, that they are all-knowing but are mute so they cannot influence decisions made by humans."

True? Possibly. I always thought Egyptians worshipped them due to the fact that they would always find the highest place in the house (or adobe) to sleep. How could you not pay your respects to something like that?

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