Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I Have A Dream...

...or rather, HAD a dream. Now for me, dreams usually have 2 things in common: being somewhere totally illogical (i.e: the house I grew up in which was sold in 1998) and being with people I haven't seen literally in years (i.e: people I went to elementary school with). But this time...everything was normal. I was in my kitchen of my home, and I was goofing around with a juicer I got for my honeymoon. I had already juiced some strawberries and was going to juice some bananas for a kickin' smoothie. Now I'm sure bananas contain very little juice but hey, it's a accountability. The thing was, the juicer wouldn't work, so I took it apart (ignoring the fact it contained juice) and looked at a specific part that needed to be switched over, which I did, and WAH-LAH, it was able to juice bananas. As I was about to add the oranges, my son let out one of his signature "WAH!"'s and perked me right up. He has slept through the night 2 nights in a row and we're hoping this is a recurring trend ha ha.

Here are some more of my Star Wars unopened items that I have that hopefully will be worth some cash one day...maybe in 2037?

As you can see, I need a little help with my Yahoo! Image cropping.

Blue M & M/R2D2: (beep beep bleep bloop)

Green M & M/Queen Amidala: "What did you call me you little trash can!?"

Orange M & M/C3PO: "Oh forgive him your highness. He can be quite impudent at times. Why I remember one time-"

Amidala: "Shut your hole, Tin Man."

Yoda: "Backwards I talk you want to know why? Kicked by a Ton-ton I was! Back of the head it was! Twist you around it does. Recommend it I would not."

Obi-Wan: "You know...I've struggled to stay alive for what seems like an eternity. I slayed Darth Maul...I killed that guy at the Mos Eisley cantina...turned Anakin into firewood...and yet when I faced off against Darth Vader in Episode 4, all I could do is raise my lightsaber up so he could rip me a new one! I mean...couldn't even go out on top or anything. Maybe I'll get my resurgence in "Star Wars 7: Jar Jar's Lynching."

Nute Gunray: "Anyone remember me? Creepy Lizard captured in the first round of the playoffs known as Phantom Menace...? Gone but not forgotten."
Well, there you have it. I'll post some more on Friday so check back...okey dokie pokey?

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