Thursday, April 14, 2005

Meanwhile, at the Pixar company picnic...

Woody: "You know, when I was a boy, we didn't have all these fancy cartoons like we do now...we had shows like "Benji" and "Lassie" and by gar we liked them!"
Buzz: "Tell me about it! Now we have silly things like "Little Bill" and "Yu-Gi-Oh"!

Sully: "Does anyone remember the Smurfs? They had such a great color to them."

Woody: "Smurfs?! I hated those things!"
Buzz: "Me too! How could you like something so ridiculous?!"
Sully: (G-R-O-W-W-W-W-L)

Woody and Buzz: "Okay! We admit it! The Smurfs are the greatest cartoon characters ever!! Please put us down!!"
Sully: "Ha ha ha...well, since ya said please..."

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