Friday, April 22, 2005

Our Third Anniversary Celebration!!!

The missus and I decided to go where all old married couples go...down to Shreveport, LA for a weekend of loose slots, virgin strawberry daquiris, and enough second-hand smoke to fill...well...a casino! At various times we were up some...then we were down some...and then we kind of stayed there...(sigh). $100 down the proverbial drain. Ah well. We would have spent that on something else anyway...this little thought helps us sleep at night. We had a blast though. I don't know what the traditional gift is for the third but I'm pretty sure it ain't green felt. This is my comp card from Boomtown. I earned enough points for a free gift! Shocking to me, the gift was as useful as a barium enema WITHOUT the pleasing cherry taste. If you think you know what it was...leave a comment!

Never ever bet a dime of your hard-earned money at this place! It will suck it up like a Hoover! Nobody wins anything here! The only reason we went here in the first place was so we could get a "free" buffet if we gambled for an hour. You know that free buffet cost us like $75? By the time we got around to eating it was almost 10pm and we were so tired. There we were force-feeding steak and chicken that was who knows how old it was...ah well...we're still alive.

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