Wait...there are only 10 more days until Christmas...so is today the 10th day or the 2nd? So confusing...must not lose anymore sleep over this. I've been thinking of writing a new version of this song for some time. Why, you ask? Well sit down and I'll explain! Now, granted, we all love the classic lyrics and most of us know them by heart. I on the other hand do not. I always get my swans confused with my pipers. But come on, nobody's Christmas involves swans or ladies dancing of geese a-laying (whatever that means). So perhaps now is the time to unveil my own personal wishes for the Twelve Days Of Christmas:
(ma ma ma me me me mi mi mi mo mo mo mu mu mu)
(that was me tuning up FYI)
"On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
...a red...velvet...cake."
"On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Two Christmas cookies
And A red...velvet...cake."
"On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me:
Three shiny ornaments
Two Christmas cookies
And a red...velvet...cake."
"On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me:
Four cups of egg nog
Three shiny ornaments
Two Christmas cookies
And a red...velvet...cake."
"On the 5th day of Christmas my true love gave to me:
Five...Dallas Stars!
Four cups of egg nog
Three shiny ornaments
Two Christmas cookies
And a red...velvet...cake."
Okay, by now you get the gist of the song so I'll just throw the remaining seven into one chorus:
On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me:
Twelve Transformers transforming
Eleven Cowboys dominating
Ten Marvel Heroes dueling
Nine Rangers winning
Eight ladies dancing (hey, I'm a guy)
Seven movie rentals
Six NFL cheerleaders (again...me...guy)
Five...Dallas Stars!
Four cups of egg nog
Three shiny ornaments
Two Christmas cookies
And a red...velvet...cake!!"
Hey, I like it! Maybe it will catch on at least here in the local Dallas community. See if you can make one yourself! If you send it to me I might publish it in my oft-seen page here. And by oft I mean two...maybe three people a week tops...(sigh)
STILL have not gotten the ornaments on the tree yet. I hate being so busy all the time. I wish I could be a stay at home dad sometimes. With Emmy I would work evenings for the most part and watch her during the day so we didn't have to spend $150 a WEEK on daycare. I wouldn't say I miss those days largely because I would take her somewhere pretty much everyday. But every now and then I wouldn't mind revisiting that time in my life. With Zach I don't get home until 6 or 6:30 at night and sometimes it feels like I'm not doing enough for him. Granted, he's only one so he's not into much but he sure is entertaining. For most dads, they don't feel that parental bond until their kid turns 2 or 3, so I don't worry about it a whole lot. The other day I put his on my shoulders (which he loves) and we were in the front yard. He grabs my head and turns it to see him and he's leaning down trying to look at me and laughing the whole time. Right there was the first time I really connected with him as a dad. Made my whole day. My whole Christmas.
Our goal is to clean the whole house and get everything straightened up so we can go look at lights tomorrow night. I really hate junk mail. We have piles of it all over our house. On the computer desk, on the shelf in the walkway, on the table, in the kitchen, you name it. I hate junk mail!! Okay, anger out of my system...tis the season!
Went to Emmy's school sing-along this morning. Anything to get to go to work late right? Ha ha KIDDING. Wouldn't have missed it for the world! They sang a total of one song while the other grades sang like 3 or 4 each. What a gip! I was taping it and I was sitting on this desk and all of a sudden I hear this snapping sound and the desk buckled for a bit. I got up real fast after I heard (and felt) that! I looked at the desk and one leg was shorter then the others. To quote Steve Urkel: Did I do that? Probably. Ah well. Just a memory. How many memories could you write down if you had to? 50? 75? 100? I bet I could come up with 100. 100 specific things that have happened to me in my life...there's a challenge.
Wanna shout out to sister Keri for one of the best birthday presents I ever got: a 1/24 scale of the AMC Delorean time machine from
Back To The Future! It's so neat looking! I will get this photographed soon, I promise! She got it from this site called things you didn't know existed.com but for th elife of me I can't seem to find the site now. Ah well. Also thanks to wifey for getting me
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