Friday, February 25, 2011

"It's Raining Sunshine!!..."

Well, not really. I mean, if it rained sunshine, wouldn't we all just burn up or have really bad scars from it? Yes, I've given this a lot of thought. What I was referring to was Cari and Emmy went to the Miranda Cosgrove concert last Saturday night!! A few pix:

Miranda Cosgrove 2-18-11
Emmy: "Oh man we're gonna see Miranda Cosgrove!"
Cari: "Oops...this is actually the Daniel Cosgrove concert!"
Emmy: "Who?"
Cari: "Um...Matt from 'Beverly Hills 90210'??"
Emmy: "What? What is that?"
Cari: "Nevermind...we'll have to rent Seasons 9 and 10"

Miranda Cosgrove 2-18-11
Miranda: "So...anyone from out of town?"
Emily: "Yes! We're from Arlington!"
Miranda: "Um...isn't that just the next town over?"
Emily: "Hey it's a different town isn't it? So technically I'm from OUT OF TOWN...(sigh)..."
Miranda: "Um, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

I know they had a great time. Glad to see some estrogen-based bonding happening.

So what did Zach and I do? Well...we drove down to the Japanese Gardens but they had closed, so we went to the Botanical Gardens. It was a little cloudy and dark, and I showed Zach where the hiking trail was. But I didn't call it that; I called it the "Super-Scary Forest". Well, he didn't want to go at first, but I assured him there was nothing to be afraid of. So we walked the trails, and he held my hand tightly, and in the end everyone was okay. THEN we went to McDonald's, got some dinner and brought it home. THEN we watched "America's Funniest Videos" and wrestled around for a while until he fell asleep around 9:30pm. All in all, it was nice to have a guys' night.

Have I mentioned how much work sucks lately? Apparently I've been brainwashed and don't think my lunch hour should be mine anymore. We've gotten to take an hour lunch 2 times in the last 3 weeks. I think it's time for a change...which is sad cuz I defended this place to others who hated it, only to become one of them. Then I look at my cousin Sarah who is having a heck of a time finding something she likes despite being college-educated. Remember when having a college degree was your ticket into anywhere you wanted to work? Yeah, I think those days are over...

Friday, February 18, 2011

"Valentine's Here..."

...and Zach's school was having a dads-only lunch! Fortunately I was able to get the morning off and was able to go have lunch with him! You never saw so many McDonald's lunch sacks ever! Needless to say, they're never going out of business. A few pix:

Zach Valentine Party 2-14-11
Here is the table where we sat! A close up of what that piece of paper is:

Zach's Valentines 2011 01
The kids told their teacher this information about their dad. Thirteen? Me? Really? Well, maybe at heart ha ha.

Zach's Valentines 2011 02
Aww, Zach made a Valentine just for me...and maybe Cari. here is what it says inside:

Zach's Valentines 2011 03
He's such a talent sometimes.

So, now it was time for lunch. And Zach wasted no time:

Zach Valentine Party 2-14-11
Never met a cheeseburger he didn't like eh?

Zach Valentine Party 2-14-11
Could not have had a better lunch than with my best boy.

Emmy also made her Valentine's box for her class:

Emily's Valentine Box 2011
Emily's Valentine Box 2011
A little more pink than I would have used, but it's probably best that she got to decorate it since it was for her class.

Our Spring Break vacation is coming so closer...March 12 we leave for our exotic neighbor to the south...San Antonio. Can't go there enough, right? As long as we do lots of fun things it's all good. And I know Emmy and Zach like going down there.

I wanna go back to Winstar...maybe on March 25th...Harry Connick Jr is performing on that night. I won $130.00 last time I was there. Penny slots...America's great untapped resource!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

"Let It Snow!!"

Yes, after the ice storm that caused every school to be closed for a whole week, and get me out of 3 days of work, then we got some actual snow!! A few pix:

Snow Day 2-4-11
This picture I really like. It's almost as if the snow melted its way onto my car and froze at the same time!

Snow Day 2-4-11
Emmy: "Hey Dad, do you like my snow angel?"
Me: "Um, yeah, it's great. Just don't break my number one rule."
Emmy: "Which is...?"
Me: "Never get any dirt on you...ever."
Emmy: "Yeah I'll get right on that...(sigh)..."

Snow Day 2-4-11
Yes, the sky and the snow were the same colour! You can't even tell if we have a roof anymore!

Snow Day 2-5-11
Just some sinister-looking icicles!! And yes, the Christmas lights are still up. Coming down today though!

Saturday most of the snow melted and the sun came out! So, while Cari and Emmy were out selling cookies, Zach and I went to...the park!:

At The Park 2-5-11
This is his favourite thing to play on. He runs at the big wheel and tries to spin completely around and get back to the platform. He can usually do it but his shoes were a little wet from the snow.

At The Park 2-5-11
Me: "So how does that snow taste boy?"
Zach: "Oh this isn't snow. It's cotton candy!"
Me: "They sell that around here?"
Zach: "Yeah! They're next to the churro cart!"
Me: "Wow...this is some park!"

And, finally, Emmy and I had our annual Daddy/Daughter dance last night!:

Dad Daughter Dance 2-11-11
Me: "Emmy! Did you take my quesadilla??"
Emmy: "Hey, if it's on the floor it's fair game!"
Me: "Aww...ya got me on a technicality...(sigh)"

Dad Daughter Dance 2-11-11
I think my belt was a little too tight. My gut was a little more pronounced that I care for. But don't we look adorable!

Afterwards we went to Braum's for our traditional ice cream treat.

I think it's good for a parent to give a little more attention to their first born every now and then. When there's a younger sibling, especially one who needs a lot of attention, the older one feels a little left out sometimes. Even if they don't feel that way. Nipping things in the bud isn't a bad thing.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

"Let It Snow!!"

And sleet...and ice over the whole county!! I do not remember it getting this cold ever! Canada...yes...but not here! Cari ended up getting the whole week off and I thought I might too but then they said we had to come in Thursday...grrr...about 25% of the office showed up. I should have stayed home. But we had a nice couple of days so far. I went to Kroger about 5 times party to get out of the house but we also needed hot chocolate! Here are a few pix:

Ice Day 2-1-11
Ice Day 2-1-11
Man that is come crazy ice storm we had! It's still out there too! With more snow and showers to come tonight and tomorrow morning. They've GOT to close work tomorrow...they just have too lol.

So, being cooped up indoors, we had to entertain ourselves. First was a gingerbreak Christmas tree we put together:

Christmas Tree Gingerbread 2-1-11
Christmas Tree Gingerbread 2-1-11
And it tastes even better, said Frog.

I went through my junior high yearbooks. Here's 6th grade:

6th Grade
Oh GAW was that embarassing. I'm fairly certain no one in my house knew it was picture day. Do miss the hair though.

Here's 7th grade:

7th Grade
Things are looking up appearance wise. Why did I wear nothing but sweaters for three years? And that collar? Could it BE any bigger, as Chandler would say?

OMG I'm cold all the time when I'm at home. Ten degrees the other day. 23 is the high tomorrow. And the Super Bowl is in 3 days! And it's in my backyard! I thought about trying to get down to Sundance Square and see what ESPN is doing but it's ice all over the roads, everywhere. Ah well. I'll catch it next time yes?