Saturday, July 26, 2008

"The Passing Of A Legend..."

Talking about Estelle Getty, who if you don't know who she is, portrayed Sophia on The Golden Girls for a long time and will forever be remembered for it. She was always my favourite on that show. Not because she was the hottest of the four (and we all know she was), but because she always got the funniest, most biting lines of the bunch. I could only dream of zinging people the way she did. How do I know so much about this show? Well, during my lazy yeas of 19-22 it was the only thing that came on in the morning, so I'd watch it. Now it comes on Lifetime every now and then (big surprise), but I'm never home to see it since it still comes on in the morning. You think they air it then cuz they know older people will be home to watch it? Maybe it's just a big coincidence. But she had a form of dementia for the last eight years of her life and near the end she had no idea who anyone was, not even her former castmates. I just cannot imagine going through life and not being able to know people I had been around my whole life. The way my family works is stories that happened years, even decades ago, can still be told with amazing detail and clarity. My grandfather, who turned 86 yesterday (and yes I called him to wish him so), can still regale us with stories of his time in the Navy and when his kids were still little kids. This is like 50 or 60 years ago, and it's just like being there. I find myself telling stories just like he does, with little gaps in between and laughing at them at the same time. I find my sense of humour is more in the style of my uncle Dean (I mentioned him last year at the Labour Day BBQ, he was the one grilling something which we were supposed to think was hanburgers ha ha). He is always sending my e-mails that he thinks I will find funny, and I usually do. Sometimes when I talk to people I sound just like him. He always seems to know how to be the center of attention. Maybe that's where I get it from ha ha. However, when I talk to people I find myself sounding like my dad too. It's pretty much a 33 1/3 split between the three of them. But this I know: I wouldn't be who I am today without all of 'em. So that's who to blame eh? ha ha.

Got my "bonus" check yesterday. A whopping $193! I guess that will give me something to work on for next October. At least it's something right? Nice of them to give us something to shoot for.

Went to Pirahna last night with Branda and Jerramy. Now I never thought of myself as a sushi kind of guy, but this is so different then that. They cook a lot of their stuff and it rocks! I recommend it highly.

Piranha Sushi
Still haven't seen Batman yet...and man is it on my mind. Usually when I watch a movie I tell myself hey, it's all for show. Except for a few. Transformers would be one of them of course. But this one will be another. Soon...soon...

Emmy's birthday party is today! Turning seven...goodness. Where does the time go? Will have pics of her party next week sometime. for now I will leave you with this thought: One day we will figure out how all these mind games will be eradicated forever. For now, make a point to take something from each person you get to know and make yourself better because of it. Whether you see them donating to a charity, picking up trash that someone couldn't quite get to the trash can, or whatever. Because someone will see this in you and make themselves better, and so on and so on...

Friday, July 11, 2008

"A Camping We Will Go..."

Or rather, already gone and come back! For the July 4 weekend we geared up for a 67 hour sweatfest out in Henderson, Texas...or Tatum or the other. A long time ago I heard this comedian talking about camping. He was saying "You know, I don't get why people go camping. When the caveman moved out of the cave and into the castle, it's not like he thought to himself 'Hey, let's go back to the cave and sleep!'" But, for whatever reason one would choose to do it, it can be a nice break from the techno world we have created for ourselves. Did you know raccoons not only enjoy marshmallows, they will steal them from you? That story a little later. Here are a few pics of God's wonder:

John: "So you see, by placing my hands in the center of our gas grill, I can tell that it has reached the optimal cooking temperature of 300 degrees."
Me: "Um, isn't that burning your hands?"
John: "More then you can imagine!"
Cindy: "I didn't know skin could get that red."

Cari: "Peek-a-boo! I see you!"
Me: "Yeah, I see look spooky, stop doing that."

Me: "Hey guys, have you discovered anything new here in the woods?"
Emmy: "We sure have! So far we've discovered fifteen species of insects that feed off human blood!"
Zach: "Someone please spray me with some friggin' Off!"

But after it was all over and we came home, nothing said welcome back like a cool shower and our own beds! And I pretty mcuh summed up the story about the raccoons stealing our marshmallows, therefore preventing us from making S'Mores! But we made them the next night!

All in all, I proved that I could rough it the way our pioneer ancestors could. As long as I have a battery-powered fan and shower and restroom facilities within walking distance. And a gas grill. And a Family Dollar five minutes away.