This is all the entire city of Dallas is saying this morning after the Golden State Warriors embarassed the Mavericks 111-86. I think we're going to be the Indy Colts of the NBA. Seriously. All the hype, all the regular season glory, only to not just lose in the playoffs, but lose b-a-a-d. Honestly, I do not know where they go from here. This is the exact same team from last year. What changed? I'm too bummed to think about it. Let's see how the Big Four teams did recently:
Cowboys - out in the first round
Stars - out in the first round
Mavericks - out in the first round
Rangers - too horrible to even get in the first round
At least we're not Wisconsin.
We have quite an agenda this weekend! Cari and I took Friday off and are going to the zoo today! We actually have two, the Dallas Zoo and the Ft Worth Zoo. Since we've been to the Ft Worth Zoo I wanted to go to the Dallas one, but Cari chimed, "I don't want to be run down by wild animals!". Turns out a few years ago there was an animal or two that got loose and roamed the streets. Geez, one pack of black rhinos gets out for a day and everyone freaks out. This is how it was in olden times ya know!
Then tomorrow, mom is coming out and we are going to the grand opening of the Arlington Highlands. What is this you ask? Well, we took a huge chuck of unused land and built this little town of shops, restaraunts and even a movie theater. There's even street names so you don't get lost! And believe ie, it's big enough that you could get lost. Plus, all the restaraunts are having free samples of their menus and live music from none other then: KC And The Sunshine Band! this confirmed? It's just a rumour, right? That's the best we could get? What, were the Bay City Rollers booked?
And finally, what entry would be complete without a visit through Mikey's garden:
Honeysuckle! This hasn't grown in my back since...ever!
These berries have grown on one of my trees since forever...blackberries I think? They're pretty good. Cari got mad when she found out I ate some.
This tree I hate. Every year it grows these organic land mines and no one even uses them! All they do is hurt your feet if you step on them and the lawn mower shoots them like 50 yards when it gets one.
And the first purple flower on my Mexican heather is out! I thought it would take longer but since we've gotten like 100 inches of rain in the last two months, wallah!
Why did what happen at Virginia Tech happen?
I'm sure everyone knows "what" happened...but does anyone know why? Only God knows. I sure don't. Then he takes the coward way out and shoots himself. I hope he is burning in hell for what he has done. What he has put the 33 families through. What is truly sad is...unless you were a friend or a relative of them, you probably weren't that affected personally. I can't even imagine watching TV and finding out that someone in my family had died...and in that way. Not even heroically. Just...for no reason.
Peace be with you Virginia Tech.
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