Saturday, March 01, 2008

"If I Had A Million Dollars..."

...oh man the fun I could have. Let's assume I won a lottery of around $2 million or so. After the cash option and taxes have been taken out, there was exactly $1 million left over. Let's see what ol' Mikey would do with it:

- $84,000 to go towards paying off ye olde mortgage

- $260,000 in an interest-bearing account for college for two kids ($130,000 x 2)

- $10,000 to pay off our car

- $50,000 for gifts for friends/family (cuz you know they'd be thinking about what's theirs lol j/k)

- $10,000 for one great trip to...somewhere...probably Hawaii

Let's see, that adds up to...$414,000. And we're not even halfway done yet!!

Ahh, what a fantasy.

Now maybe in 1970, $1 million might have been enough to fulfill all your wishes with enough left over to never have to work again.

Flash forward to 2008.

Hey, guess what! Now people treat $1 million like it's nothing. And with inflation as bad as it is, they're probably right. Which is why we need to start planning now, not when we're 60 and have nothing to rely on. The 401k is a thing of beauty for us young people (well, young-ish lol) and must be contributed to as much as possible.

Finished my fourth week at you-know-where. It's really starting to make sense now. What's weird is I really don't get it when it's being taught. Only after it's had time to sink in does it kind of make sense. I know I will be great at this. I have to keep telling myself that. All things come to those who wait, so I shall be patient and know that I have found a place that will take care of me if I take care of them.

Man is YouYube addicting! Anything you could imagine is alive and well and very much in motion. Here is one I found:

Basically a seaplane pretends it is going to crash into the fishing boat only to pull up at the last minute. Ha ha ha. The song playing is by the Moody Blues. I never would have listened to them if ol' Dad hadn't brought them to light many years ago. He's building us some multi-purpose shelves for either the home or garage which will be invaluable. Maybe he's okay lol. The truth is, I always thought he wasn't that great of a dad until I had kids and saw firsthand how challenging it is day in and day out. To quote Dr. Cox when J.D. was downplaying the role his dad played in his life, "He could have done a much worse job."

Got soccer games today and tomorrow! Then going to see Navid's kid tomorrow afternoon. Real proud of him. Hope someone tells him that every now and then cuz it makes a world of difference sometimes.

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