Sunday, May 18, 2008

"It's Gardenin' Time!"

Well, that's what The Thing from Fantastic Four would say if he were out in the backyard with his shovel and wheelbarrow. Our backyard is huge...simply huge...and to make sure all of it looks great all the time takes a round the clock effort. So, I do the next best thing: split it into shifts. Shifts lasting as long as six months ha ha. We acquired a sandbox like a month ago but have been looking for a place to put it. So, we picked this spot:

Pretty awful looking ain't it. Between the water hose that came with the house and the fence slats that even the termites won't touch (not that we have termites), I knew something had to be done. Plus, it's a perfect spot under the oak tree. So, after three or four hours of digging (various trees that had managed to take seed), raking (all the leaves and wood pieces), tilling and planting, it now looks like this:

Well, it's a little better looking right? Plus we got some new sandbox toys so now we're "good to go"!

I seem to be missing weeks on here. I will try to rectify that in the future.

Emmy had a Build-A-Bear party last weekend. Had a good time but something they sold kind of had me puzzled:

Now um...why would a stuffed bear need this? Even if the kid (or adult) were in a wheelchair, why would he want his bear to be? Now I got to get some Batman pajamas for my koala bear Tex. Will put them on him at some point. Did you know the koala bear sleeps more then any other animal? 22 hours a day. I knew I liked them for a reason heh heh.

Been doing really well at ol' Healthmarkets. I still have times when the matter is so draining that my mind feels baked afterwards. Nice to know I'm one of the gang now. I've had so many jobs in my life that I wonder if I'm ever doing a good enough job. I have a kind of mental timeline in my head where every time my position lasts longer then one of the jobs from the past, then I feel like I'm accomplishing something. So far we're past Target (one month, 1990), Olan Mills (one month, 1991), and Aegon (two months, 2007). Now coming up is Domino's (6 months, 2002), McGraw-HIll (11 months, 2004-2005), and Parks Mall (1 1/2 years, 2002-2004). I think I can, I think I, next weeked is a 3-day offer!! Nothing planned yet...but I'm sure we'll find something to do.

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