Friday, March 20, 2009

"A Day At The Park..."

Well, not really.

But today at lunch (the only lunch we got to take our rightful hour this week), I had a little trouble deciding how I wanted to spend it. So I cashed my YMCA reimbursement check and decided to explore the wonderful neighboorhood of Hurst located next to my office. And ya know what I discovered? It's about the same as any other neighborhood ha ha. Well, maybe a bit nicer. But I did find Chisholm park, so I took a scenic tour, and it was pretty crowded with kids and people enjoying the sunny day. Was kind of nice watching other people enjoy themselves, even though I had to go back to work. But I started thinking about if I take my kids to the park enough. To be honest, it's been a while. I know they love it, but we seem to get so busy these days there just doesn't seem to be much time for it. I sat back and thought about the numerous times I've been able to take them...

Hooper Park

Can I swim now?
Here Emmy was about 3 and a half. She looks like she was having a good time though. We fed the ducks some old cereal (yes, ducks love cereal) and played quite a bit.

Zach & Emmy @ the park!
Here is Zach's first visit to the park. Doesn't he look like he's having a great time?

Fairmeadows Elementary

Emily @ my old school Fairmeadows
Here we are at my old elementary school. Emmy was about 4 here. They sure changed it up a lot since my glory days in the 80's. I can still remember each teacher I had, what they looked like, and what I learned. Shocking, I know lol.

Hoppenfeffer Park

Girl Scout Meeting 2007
Okay, so that isn't the real name of it. Will have to see what it is. We had a Girl Scout meeting there and, of course, all the kids felt like they had to play on the playground.

I'm sure going to miss these days when all it takes is a 5 minute trip to a local park to make the kids happy. Pretty soon they'll want iPods and $70 jeans and money money money. Maybe they'll get it, maybe not. Depends on what my raise is next month ha ha.

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