Friday, August 12, 2011

"They're Back!!"

Yes, Zach and Emmy have returned from their little trips last week! As much as we love them, sometimes a little break can be a good thing. Emmy went to New York but Zach got to go to his cousin Canyon's house for a couple of days! At first he didn't want to go, but once he got there he had a blast:

Zach And Canyon 8-3-11
Zach And Canyon 8-3-11
Zach And Canyon 8-3-11
Zach And Canyon 8-3-11
He even caught a fish!! Hopefully it was catch and release. Knowing Becky, I bet it was. Cool car! It's just a little nicer than my Sentra...(sigh).

Emmy had a great time in New York. How is it my kids travel more than I do? That'll change one of these days. But for now...:

Emily In New York! 8-3-2011
I thought for sure Emmy would try to pose just like the Statue Of Liberty in at least one picture. Ah well.

Emily In New York! 8-3-2011
There's a better shot of Lady Liberty!! Simply awe-inspring.

Emily In New York! 8-3-2011
Great aerial shot! I wonderwhat that big orange building is...Chrysler? geography sucks.

Both of them are finishing their week at Camp Thurman today! Man, for $250 a kid you'd think they could air condition that place. But no, it's all outdoors. But they get to swim twice a day, so...wish I could do that.

School begins in TEN DAYS!! I know the kids aren't looking forward to it, but Cari and I sure am. No more daycare for Zach which means $400 a month comes back to us. I hope it doesn't just dissipate in a sea of bills. Hopefully we will see that start to add up at some point, pay everything off, and start looking for a new house!

Here's some YouTube clips I found recently:

Another Dr Smoov masterpiece! The way Wheeljack tells the Dinobots "Shut up! Shut up!" literally had me on the floor laughing.

Now I don't really care for the song...biggest piece of s^%$ that stations play, in my opinion...but when the Transformers are jiving along to it, it takes on a whole new meaning.

Man this was the crown jewel of the 2011 Mavericks championship run. 20 3-pointers!! 20!! You don't see shooting like that anywhere, ever! What a great time for the city of Dallas.


Sandy B said...

This looks like a mighty fine adventure. Who wants to grow up???

Thanks for visiting my blog. Come back any time...

Mike Overall said...

With recipes like that I sho will!