Friday, October 12, 2012

"Dad Is How Old!??"

The big 6-0, that's how old!!

Wow. 60. It always seems like it is so far away until you actually reach it. Then you're looking around like, "What happened!? How did 60 years go by so fast?" Heck, I feel that way about turning 40 in a couple of years. I wonder how I'll feel when I reach 60. Hopefully there's a lot of family and friends around. We got together last Saturday at Grandma's house for some lasagna, salad, bread (of which Dean got none ha ha), and some cake:

Dad is 60! 10-6-2012

Dad: "Now be honest with I look silly?"
Me: "Well...the flowerly lei around your neck looks a little feminine..."
Dad: "Ooh, good call, I'll take it off immediately!:
Me: "Good idea! Otherwise people might have started laughing at you."

After dinner we had...cake!:

Dad is 60! 10-6-2012

Of course we had to have black icing. know...Death's shroud is jet black...

Dad is 60! 10-6-2012

Me: "Okay Dad, make a wish!"
Dad: "Whoop, it didn't come're still here!! HAW HAW HAW!!"
Me: "Ugh, don't you ever get tired of telling that joke?"
Dad: "Um, NO...that's what makes it so funny!"
Me: "Um...not really..."

Dad is 60! 10-6-2012

I picked this card out just for him. It says "Happy Birthday from your smart ass son!" Now normally I don't condone swearing but this card was just too fitting. I got him a "Sounds Of The 60's" CD just because it had some songs I hadn't heard of before. Turns out neither did Dad.

I should have gotten some pictures with my kids and Dad but the whole night was quite the whirlwind. Was a nice and chilly night but was still hot in Grandma's house. It's always hot in there. Always. Even Christmas morning. I always have to dress warm and cool then warm again then cool again. Hey, Christmas is coming up pretty soon! 70 days and counting until my super duper sized vacation! I've been planning this since April. I really want to take the kids to do some of the things we never seem to have time for. Malls, parks, Holiday In The Park, you name it, we're doing it. As always, I'll take pictures! Anyways...was glad to celebrate with Dad on his special day. I have a few cool memories of us growing up. One was, I guess I was about 7 or 8 and we had rode our bikes to the bike store to get something or have something fixed, not sure. As we were riding home, I found a $5 bill in the street. I asked Dad if I needed to give it back to the owner and he said "Well who's is it?" Since I didn't know, he said I could keep it. It was then that I learned if I didn't know who lost it, I could find it. Served me well. Probably a little too well. Not easy being a dad. Seems like all you do is get dumped on by your family. But, sometimes it's pretty good.

Dad is 60! 10-6-2012

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