Thursday, February 03, 2005


Ever wonder what makes us dream? Is it spicy foods? Personal turmoil? Unresolved issues? Sure! All of the above! Ever dream about an event and then when it happens the next day you just have to sit down and go "Oh man! I can't believe I knew that was going to happen!"? If you happen to be reading this I want YOU to start keeping a dream journal. As soon as you wake up! Keep a detailed account of everything you can remember. Odds are that eventually one night's dream will coincide with another's. Try it!

1 comment:

Mike Overall said...

One dream I had this week was I was at the home of Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones and some intruders broke in! Well the two of them quickly shimmied up their giant fireplace wall to hide and left me defenseless! However I was not helpless; I grabbed the fireplace poker and just went medieval on both of them! The intruders, not Michael and Catherine...although...if Michael was out of the picture...okay, I'm babbling...and just as I had no more energy to wail on them I woke my bud Cedric would say to our McGraw hill customers: "I don't know what to tell you."